
A Little Bit of Love and Kindness…

My blog has fallen by the wayside over the last few months for a variety of reasons but, after the tragic events in Las Vegas last night, I felt the need to share a bit of love and unexpected art with those who read this blog.  My heart is again breaking at the pain in this world and my thoughts are with all of those directly and indirectly affected by these events…

Earlier this school year, my DD#2 and I noticed this unusual little heart on the side stairway leading to the front door of her school, It wasn’t damp as if created with water. In fact, it stayed visible for a few days before disappearing.  I imagine it was painted on with some sort of semi-permanent substance before the elements washed it away.  I choose to see it as a symbol of love in this world.  Our world certainly needs as much love as we can find.
A Heart on the Stairs
My husband and DD#2 made a quick trip to the grocery store yesterday evening and when they returned my husband reported that DD#2 left a small stack of pennies on the coin box for the mechanical horse. While my husband praised her for her actions and mentioned good karma, our daughter explained that she’d done it to see other people happy — as a little boy climbed onto the horse and used one of the pennies for a ride, smiling with joy.

Why not follow my daughter’s lead and do a small act of kindness to give someone else a smile today?  The world is heavy from yet another national tragedy and we all need a little pick me up. While it won’t fix our complex societal problems, a bit of love couldn’t hurt in healing some of that pain.

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions,
and the roots spring up and make new trees.” – Amelia Earhart