
In a world of uncertainty, the anniversary of an awful event that affected so many in our community, and seemingly ceaseless violence around the globe, it’s so easy to get caught up in a spiral of despair.  I’m determined to look for the good and the beauty in our world.  I’m driven to be connected to and mindful of the little things..even if it just noticing the simple blessings around me.

Several pieces of pottery in progress at the Washington Heights Art Center, Lakewood, CO.

ART IN PROGRESS: Several pieces of pottery in progress at the Washington Heights Art Center, Lakewood, CO.

Mestizo Futures

My daughters and I attended an inspiring Hispanic Heritage Month presentation at our local library on Saturday.  The presenters were two local creative activists – Eutimia Cruz Montoya and Adrian Molina, a.k.a. Molina Speaks.  Montoya is “lineage-raised contemporary curandera (spiritual healer), herbalist, licensed acupuncturist, Real Foods Activist, and Food Systems Educator” — a “modern day medicine woman”.  Molina “describes himself as a Chicano/Latino/Indigenous/Mestizo Futurist” who uses poetry and hip hop lyrics to share the voice of diverse communities and a connection to the natural world.  These two powerful young artists expressed a strong love of humanity, family and the connectivity of all peoples in both traditional and contemporary stories, songs, and dances.  My daughters and I enjoyed the presentation immensely!  If you have an opportunity to experience the work of either of these individuals, I strongly recommend it!

One term that caught my attention was the positive claiming of the word “mestizo” — which both referred to as persons of mixed ethnic heritage, often both Indigenous and European.  Both my husband who is Cherokee and mostly German and my daughters (adopted through foster care) who are Mexican and Caucasian could claim this term to describe themselves.  Our country is trending toward this demographic and I believe it is a beautiful progression.  Montoya and Molina spoke of the importance of celebrating all heritages and moving toward a more inclusive future where all individuals are equally loved and respected.  That would be a beautiful world indeed.

What The Heck is a Witness Post?

Witness Post Sign

Just an example of one of the odd little things that catch my attention.  I saw this sign near the field where my youngest daughter had soccer practice this week.  I wonder about its history and its purpose — the sign has certainly shown some wear and tear!  According to Wikipedia (<sarcasm>the most trustworthy of sources</sarcasm>):

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS), formerly the United States Survey of the Coast (1807–1836), United States Coast Survey (1836–1878), and United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (USC&GS) (1878–1970), is a United States federal agency that defines and manages a national coordinate system, providing the foundation for transportation and communication; mapping and charting; and a large number of applications of science and engineering. Since its foundation in its present form in 1970, it has been part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), of the United States Department of Commerce.

Wonder if I could find that “nearby survey marker”…