Simple Blessings

She Ain’t Heavy!

With three daughters so close in age, the sibling rivalry in our household is often pretty fierce.  But once in a while, they truly surprise me and melt my heart.  DD#3 was having a tough time separating from her BFF this afternoon after school, so (once we released the death grip the BFFs had on each other) DD#2 gave DD#3 a piggy back ride back to our van to ease the transition.  I’m honestly not sure how she does it as I don’t think she has much more than an inch and ten pounds on her little sister, but she stepped up and made the afternoon a bit easier.  Simple blessings…

DD#2 Giving DD#3 a Piggy Back Ride

She Ain’t Heavy!


In a world of uncertainty, the anniversary of an awful event that affected so many in our community, and seemingly ceaseless violence around the globe, it’s so easy to get caught up in a spiral of despair.  I’m determined to look for the good and the beauty in our world.  I’m driven to be connected to and mindful of the little things..even if it just noticing the simple blessings around me.

Several pieces of pottery in progress at the Washington Heights Art Center, Lakewood, CO.

ART IN PROGRESS: Several pieces of pottery in progress at the Washington Heights Art Center, Lakewood, CO.