Finding The Good

Rising Above It All

I came upon this Denver Post article about Gavin Arneson a senior at Clear Creek High School while browsing on Facebook this morning. Despite a difficult and chaotic childhood, not to mention the recent loss of his father, Gavin has conquered these multiple challenges with determination and resilience and the support of a caring community.  He graduates school valedictorian this spring, serves as president of Clear Creek’s student council and honor society, was awarded the National Honor Society’s annual $20,000 scholarship (the only one in the country) and has received a four-year, full tuition scholarship to study nursing at New York University.  He is an impressive young man.

I don’t know Gavin or the community members that stepped up to help him succeed, but I wanted to share my appreciation of this story.  Thank you all for providing a wonderful example of how spirit, love, and compassion can make this world a better place.  Kudos to you all!

Quote by Charles de Lint pm sunflower background

She Ain’t Heavy!

With three daughters so close in age, the sibling rivalry in our household is often pretty fierce.  But once in a while, they truly surprise me and melt my heart.  DD#3 was having a tough time separating from her BFF this afternoon after school, so (once we released the death grip the BFFs had on each other) DD#2 gave DD#3 a piggy back ride back to our van to ease the transition.  I’m honestly not sure how she does it as I don’t think she has much more than an inch and ten pounds on her little sister, but she stepped up and made the afternoon a bit easier.  Simple blessings…

DD#2 Giving DD#3 a Piggy Back Ride

She Ain’t Heavy!

A Revolution of Tenderness

I was raised Catholic but left the Church many years ago because I see it as an organization that has caused pain for too many people, that espouses too many contradictions, and simply does not fit my own worldview.  I do believe it is the “right” path for some individuals, it simply isn’t the path for me.  (Sorry Mom!)  That said, the Catholic Church is one of the most powerful and influential institutions in the world.

With this influence, the Church wields great power and I’m grateful to see the current Pope Francis spread a message of compassion and love.  His missive was shared at the TED Conference 2017 on Tuesday night and is now available online.  He expresses the importance of inclusiveness, equality, and connectedness between all beings.  He speaks of a revolution of tenderness – “Tenderness means to use our eyes to see each other, our ears to hear the other, to listen to the children, the poor, those who are afraid for the future.  To listen also to the silent cry of our common home, of our sick and polluted earth.  Tenderness means to use our hands and our heart to comfort the other, to take care of those in need.”  He joins a growing chorus of voices seeking a world where compassion and love heal; I hope his followers and non-followers alike will heed his call.

Transcript of Pope Francis’ TEDTalk (from